BOOM! That just happened...

Yesterday, you got my invitation to

We are meeting this Sat, Feb 24, 2024, at 7:30 AM, and I just wanted to check back in and see if you have had a chance to watch the preview yet.

More importantly, I wanted to make sure you saw this:

This is the ideal first step if you’re serious about getting your first four short-term rentals this year.

Move at the speed of instruction.

J. Massey

Not only does it work this Saturday, but it’s free, and the recordings are available for the tiniest investment you can make and still have a realistic expectation of results.

So get it now while you can:

This event won’t be delivered LIVE and available much longer, so I would attend and register now while it’s still fresh in your mind.

Talk soon…

J. Massey


or to participate.