what is chatGPT?

plus: real-time prompt examples

Yesterday, I gave a presentation on how to use ChatGPT in a short-term rental business. Towards the end of the presentation, one of the participants asked me how they could use ChatGPT in the same way.

I realized this was a question many people might have, so I dedicated this newsletter issue to answering it. Because, let's be honest, who doesn't want to use ChatGPT like a pro?

It's like having a robot assistant who can answer all your customer's questions, and who doesn't love robots, right?

So, for those dying to know how to use ChatGPT as I do, fear not! In this issue, I'll provide a step-by-step guide on integrating ChatGPT into your short-term rental business and how it can help you provide better customer service and increase revenue.

And for those already using ChatGPT, I'll provide some tips and tricks on taking your game to the next level. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to learn how to make ChatGPT your new best friend.

Because who needs real friends when you have a robot that can talk to your customers for you? Just kidding...kind of.

in this issue…

  • chatGPT: AI wizardry for rental businesses.

  • access chatGPT like a boss with our tips.

  • don't write hot garbage prompts. let us help.

  • chatGPT saves the day in real-time. magic!

  • stay up-to-date on rental news and upgrade for VIP access.

what is chatGPT?

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence program that can converse with humans in natural language. It uses machine learning algorithms to understand the meaning and context of text-based messages and then generates a response based on that understanding.

In other words, ChatGPT is like a virtual assistant that can answer questions and provide information to customers or website visitors in real time. ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool for providing efficient and effective customer service for short-term rental businesses.

By integrating ChatGPT into your website or messaging platform, you can offer instant support to customers who have questions or need assistance. ChatGPT can answer common inquiries such as booking information, check-in procedures, and local recommendations, freeing your team to focus on more complex or urgent issues.

I know, sounds boring so far… keep reading.

how do I access chatGPT?

To access ChatGPT, look for a chat window or messaging icon on a business's website, or use an online chatbot platform like Tars or Landbot. The current most popular interface can be found at https://chat.openai.com/chat, and you can also check out OpenAI's API to experiment with ChatGPT for your business.

Once you open the chat window or create a chatbot, type in your question or message to get a response from ChatGPT. It's an easy and convenient way to get help or information.

By the way, another name for your “questions or message” is called a prompt. So now, let’s look at that next.

what is a prompt?

A prompt is a message or question to initiate a conversation or interaction with a chatbot or AI system. It is the starting point for the discussion and is designed to elicit a response or action from the system. A well-crafted prompt can help guide the conversation in a specific direction and ensure the user's needs are met.

Additionally, garbage in also means garbage out.

Here is a bullet point list of the types of prompts, including a description of each:

  • Open-ended prompts allow the user to provide a free-form response, which can help gather feedback or opinions.

  • Multiple-choice prompts provide the user with predefined options, which can help guide the conversation and provide structured feedback.

  • Yes/no prompts ask the user to respond with a simple "yes" or "no" answer, which can be helpful for quickly gathering information or making decisions.

  • Command prompts ask the user to issue a specific order or request, such as "show me the weather forecast," which can help perform particular tasks or functions.

  • Contextual prompts are tailored to the specific context of the conversation and take into account previous interactions or information, which can help to make the conversation more personalized and efficient.

To optimize the effectiveness of a chatbot or AI system, prompt engineering is a critical consideration. This involves designing prompts that are clear, concise, and tailored to the user's needs and can significantly impact the success of the interaction.

And now we are at the genesis of yesterday’s question…

how to avoid writing prompts that are hot garbage!

During the presentation, I was asked how to write a prompt that wasn't hot garbage, but unfortunately, the participant's audio was not working. Instead of guessing his more exact question, I had a brilliant idea: why not turn to the technology we discussed and ask ChatGPT in real time?

It was like tapping into the collective intelligence of the internet...or like summoning Skynet from the Terminator movies, but with less impending doom. So, I typed in the prompt and let everyone see the answers unfold before our eyes.

Below are the screenshots in order, showcasing the prompt, the responses, and the subsequent iterations of the prompt and responses. Who knew that a little bit of AI magic could save the day (and potentially prevent the rise of the machines)?

real-time prompt examples

what I typed: how can I give you a good prompt that gives me good answers?

For some of you, the above answers are good, even great. I also know that many of you want more detail, so I asked:

what I typed: can you give me 3 examples of a template for a good prompt

Do you see where this is going now? Let’s not stop there:

what I typed: give me a list of 10 of the most common things to avoid that make up a bad prompt

See how much value there is in knowing what not to do. I won’t ask which of you did the above; let’s keep that between you and ChatGPT.

And even after all that, I had one more thought to try. So I asked, “can you give me an example of each of the above and then give me a series of questions to ask that would prevent a bad prompt.”

The answer was so robust I had to split it into two screenshots. The first screenshot appears below:

And now for the second one:

You know this is just the beginning. I double-dog dare you to scroll to the bottom and share this with a friend.


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    • Our upcoming Clubhouse event, LEDA - Live Every Day in April! Join us for a month-long celebration. Join us on Clubhouse today; click the link of the Cashflow Diary Cartel to get in on the action!

Thank you for letting me know.

that’s it for the moment…

J. Massey

PS: Here’s a way we both can grow:

1 Referral — all the links — A database with all the platforms and OTAs I find promote your short-term rental business (less than 10% of these make it into my newsletter).

5 Referrals — mod: using chatGPT - masterclass on demand of how to use chatGPT / AI to build your short-term rental business (~90 minutes of video content).

10 Referrals — mod: raising private capital — masterclass on demand: how to raise capital from investors (~90 minutes of video content with ebook).

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