CFD 396 [REPLAY 192] – J. Massey, Live from Irvine, California: Part I

From time to time, I get to speak in front of some pretty lively groups. Such is the case when I spoke at a recent Orange County Real Estate Investing networking event in Irvine, California. I was in front of an audience of about 80 like-minded individuals who were there to learn new ways to earn income and put their message out to the group. Smart people! That's what we all need to do as real estate investors as often as we can. We also need to keep educating ourselves. That's why attending events where you can learn from expert speakers is a really good idea. I'm happy to share what I know with audiences far and wide.

In this event, it was a short drive. You can't beat that! What did I get out of it? New contacts and a chance to expand my reach as a center of influence. Remember, to educate is to dominate. You want to educate others and help them solve their problems through real estate investing as often as is humanly possible. I promise that there are lots and lots and lots of problems you can solve. In this Irvine event, I ask the audience if they are leveraging their time, I educate them about interpreting data and statistics in different markets, I talk to them about inflation and how it impacts us individually and as a group, and I introduce them to the facts about retirement plans like how most of us do not have a plan. Rather we have an account. If you've ever wondered how to go from having nothing in the bank to doing really well not just in real estate but as an entrepreneur and/or business owner, you'll want to listen to this Cashflow Diary podcast episode. When I get going live sometimes I'm not quite sure what interactions I'm going to have with audience members. In this event, I was blessed to meet a few individuals who had questions and issues to discuss. And they did so openly.

What you will learn not just from my presentation, but from those live and unedited conversations I have with different audience members will help you move your needle forward in your business whether that's real estate or any other entrepreneurial endeavor.

One reason I want you to listen to this episode is so that you will see that everyone has fears and negative internal chatter. It is a topic I cover with the audience and help them move through those assumptions they THINK are holding them back. I wonder if you can resonate with anything the audience members shout out as things they are dealing with that may be holding them back. In short, you're going to learn some truths and coping strategies that will help you shut those negative voices (internal and external) up fast. Learn more.


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