Personal Growth > Income

Add some knowledge to your wallet.

As you know, when I started my entrepreneurial journey, I was still working a job full time and had to make time where and when I could. During that time, a friend told me something I’ve not forgotten.

He said:

  • Your income will NEVER be larger than your personal growth

And he also said:

  • You’ve learned how to work hard. Now you must work harder on yourself than you do at work.

I didn’t know any better, and I’m glad that was the case. The suggestion was that I begin to read books, attend seminars, and listen to tapes or CDs in the car. This suggestion was given to me back sometime in 2003. I received the suggestion as a command, and since that time, I can say that I’m confident I’ve averaged at least two books per month until this very day.

four levels of learning

Something I’ve now learned in all my learnings. Learning is a process. No child will ever give up trying to walk until they get it. They aren’t going to let falling stop them.

Somehow as children, we knew the process, and now as adults, we forget. We say, “it didn’t work for me.” The truth is, nothing works for you until it first works on you.

the process:

  • Unconscious incompetence: You don’t know what you don’t know.

  • Conscious incompetence: You now know you don’t know.

  • Conscious competence: You know what you know, and it requires your focus.

  • Unconscious competence: You know what you know and don’t even think about how you know.

Today I can say that I’ve gone through many books, tapes, seminars, and the like, and being on the other side, I will also say this – those first two statements I mentioned earlier have some truth to them. Now I am not saying all your problems will be solved by trying some self-help, meditation, or guru techniques. I firmly believe that the best self-help book ever written is the Bible. But I am saying that many practical applications of Biblical teachings can be found in today's self-help, business, personal development, etc., books.

And it is in that spirit we make this first post on our new newsletter today. I’ve been producing content for over a decade and am still learning something new.


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