i think it's time for you to quit

plus: free presentation using chatgpt with your str

welcome to the cashflow diary daily. ⬅️👀 That almost seems strange after reading this title, doesn’t it? well I better get to it.

in this issue…

… a video you must watch.

… free training to increase your income today.

Are you looking for an easy way to get more 5-star reviews for your business? Look no further, as ChatGPT has the perfect solution! ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that enables businesses to automate customer service interactions and collect customer feedback. With ChatGPT’s automated system, businesses can quickly capture a customer’s sentiment and satisfaction level and use this information to garner more positive reviews.

Join us for our upcoming “How to Use ChatGPT to Get More 5-Star Reviews” event, where we will discuss how ChatGPT works and how it can help your business grow. We will explain the software's various features, such as design customization, automated responses, data analytics, etc. We will also showcase examples of successful companies that have implemented these tools into their customer service process. Our team of experts will be available to answer any questions about the product or provide personalized advice on applying it best to maximize your results.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity - register now to learn all about using ChatGPT to get more 5-star reviews!

Have you ever wondered why some individuals consistently outperform others and achieve extraordinary success? The answer lies in their ability to harness the true value of time. Let’s watch this video, explore the profound implications of this paradigm shift, and learn how to leverage time as the ultimate measure of wealth.

key takeaways:

  1. Winners always quit what doesn't work to start doing what does work.

  2. Time is more valuable than money, and wealth is measured more in time than money.

  3. Quitting lying to yourself and others builds confidence and trust.

  4. Excuses are sophisticated lies that hinder progress and success.

  5. Focus on intention and ignore distractions to achieve high levels of success.

  6. Stop being consumed by external circumstances and the opinions of others.

  7. Embrace your unique identity and purpose, and serve others with your talents and skills.

action items to implement:

  1. Reflect on areas of your life where quitting what doesn't work can lead to better outcomes.

  2. Evaluate how you perceive and utilize time, prioritizing it as a valuable resource.

  3. Practice honesty and integrity with yourself and others, building confidence and trust.

  4. Eliminate excuses and take responsibility for your actions and commitments.

  5. Develop a focused mindset, setting clear intentions and minimizing distractions.

  6. Let go of external opinions and comparisons and focus on your unique journey.

  7. Identify your strengths and talents, and find ways to serve others through them.

So, today, I want you to either register for the presentation using ChatGPT or click the link so you and I talk about what’s in your way. Give me your thoughts by commenting below.

Thank you for letting me know.

that’s it for the moment…

J. Massey


or to participate.