the surprising reason why short-term rentals are recession-proof

plus: what would you do with $100k?

welcome to the cashflow diary daily.

Today we will discuss the importance of having multiple streams of income, how short-term

rentals can provide a stable source of income during economic downturns, and how they can thrive when other businesses struggle.

in this issue…

  • why short-term rental businesses are essential

  • the importance of multiple income streams

  • impact of the debt ceiling on businesses

  • ways short-term rental businesses thrive in uncertain times

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the importance of multiple income streams during economic uncertainty

In times of economic uncertainty, it is essential for families to have a

reliable source of income. Many individuals rely solely on their day job.

as their primary source of income, this can be a risky strategy

during economic instability. A sudden loss of employment can

leave families without a source of income, which can be a stressful and challenging situation.

One way to mitigate this risk is by diversifying your income streams. By

having multiple sources of income, families can better withstand

economic downturns and ensure they have the financial stability

needed to weather any economic storm.

A short-term rental business is a great way to create an additional

income stream. By renting out a property, families can earn

consistent revenue that can help them weather any economic

challenges that may arise. Whether it's a vacation home, a spare

bedroom, or even just a couch, there are many opportunities to rent

out a space and earn extra money.

As the United States approaches its debt ceiling, families must be

particularly mindful of their financial situation. A debt ceiling is a limit.

on how much money a government can borrow, and it can significantly impact businesses, especially small ones. During these

times, families need to have multiple sources of income to ensure they

can maintain their financial stability.

cheatsheet now available:
Looking for a way to get capital for your short-term rental business? We've designed the Prepare the Money cheatsheet and training to help you navigate capital raising with confidence.

Sign up today to receive instant access to our one page document plus interactive lesson on finding capital for your short term rental business!

impact of the debt ceiling on businesses

A debt ceiling is a governmental limit on how much money a government can

borrow. This limit can potentially impact businesses, especially small ones, in several ways.

Firstly, a debt ceiling causes consumers to spend less money, making it harder

for businesses to generate revenue. When consumers have less money to

spend, they will likely cut back on non-essential purchases, leading to lower business sales.

Secondly, businesses may find it harder to obtain loans or financing during a

period of the debt ceiling. Lenders may become more cautious about issuing

business loans when the government approaches its borrowing limit.

Consequently, businesses may struggle to access the funds they need to grow or sustain their operations.

cheatsheet now available:
Looking for a way to get capital for your short-term rental business? We've designed the Prepare the Money cheatsheet and training to help you navigate capital raising with confidence.

Sign up today to receive instant access to our one page document plus interactive lesson on finding capital for your short term rental business!

3 ways your short-term rental business thrives in uncertain times:

  • Firstly, short-term rentals are more cost-effective, encouraging more

    people to choose them over traditional hotels.

  • Secondly, temporary housing is essential, meaning people still need it

    for work or family reasons, even during economic uncertainty.

  • other people's property without worrying about the impacts of a debt ceiling on consumer spending.

this one’s for the people in the back!

You may have heard me say this before, but I'll say it again: renting instead of

owning a property for your short-term rental business is an excellent option for

securing your financial future. It provides a stable source of income during

economic downturns and allows for flexibility with lower financial risk.

Thank you for letting me know.

that’s it for the moment…

J. Massey


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